About Me

My photo
I'm a wife, mom, grandmother and great grandmother. I try to be creative - sometimes it works, most times it doesn't. I'm my own worst critic! I'm self taught in a lot of my crafts, but have taken quilting classes and most recently a beginner's rug hooking class. I enjoy both crafts tremendously. I'd like to learn to be a better gardener.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Another Monday...

Hi All!

Still trying to figure out how to add more things to my blog post - such as pictures, blogs that I follow and so on.  I suppose I should try to work on it when I'm at home instead of on my lunch break at work.  I'll get there - just a little slower than most!  LOL!

Great weekend!  I'm almost finished with the handquilting of my granddaughter's quilt.  I only have 6 more blocks to quilt.  Then all I'll have to do is sew the binding on, label it, wash it and it will be good to go!  Not getting so far along with my Christmas Crafts though... :(    So I'm trying desparately to get this quilt done by the end of this week (binding and all) so I can give all my attention to my Christmas craft.

We're supposed to have a nice week weather-wise here in Ohio this week.  But this will be our Indian Summer and then I'm sure the bottom will drop out and we'll have lots of cold weather and snow!  I can't decide if I'm not ready or if I'm more than ready because afterall - we do live in Ohio and know that the weather will turn colder and it will snow.  I'm just thankful I don't live in the snowbelt!!!!

Hope everyone is having a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Char, I can show you how to post those little photos of the blogs you follow on your blog page. Click on the orange Blogger icon at the very left top of your blog then on your dashboard you will see the word NEW POST, next to that you will see Edit, Post Comment, Settings, Design, Monetize, Stats.
    Click on Design.
    On the Design page find the rectangle that says My Blog List and click on Edit. A pop up box will appear that says Configure Blog List. Click on the box that says Thumbnail of Most Recent Item, click on that box Don't forget to click on SAVE at the bottom of the box before you close it.

    Any time you make changes click on Save otherwise it will not change.

    I hope that I could be a little help.
