About Me

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I'm a wife, mom, grandmother and great grandmother. I try to be creative - sometimes it works, most times it doesn't. I'm my own worst critic! I'm self taught in a lot of my crafts, but have taken quilting classes and most recently a beginner's rug hooking class. I enjoy both crafts tremendously. I'd like to learn to be a better gardener.

Friday, March 1, 2013


Ever have one of those days on your job that you ever so strongly wish you could turn in your resignation and just walk out!?  Well, that's where I'm at today.  Now mind you, I only have less than six months and I'll be retiring but geez oh pete!  Cut me some slack people!  We had lay offs (14 in all...for now...) so my unit has had to take on extra responsibilities which they have done like the troopers they are.  Thankfully I've been blessed with staff that act like professional people, are dependable, and do their job.  They may "vent" and sometimes it turns to complaining but they've had a lot put on them and their motto has been "I'm not thrilled with all of this but I have a job".  I try to advocate for them so that more doesn't get put on them.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  Now I've just been told that most likely I'm going to be supervising an additional 10 people.... What!?!  What part of I'm leaving in less than six months aren't you understanding?  Why would you expect me to take on an additional 10 people that I have no idea how they do what they do or even what all it is that they do?  And don't tell me that you think I've done such a great job with my current unit that you have every confidence that I'll be able to do just as well with the 10 additional people because I don't want to hear it!

So, when I have days like this then on my lunch break I go to the blogs I follow and calm myself down.    But today I needed to do a little more so I'm venting....   Thanks for listening...

Last night we started our craft group back up last night and believe it or not (I hope you're sitting down for this!) I actually pulled loops on a saltbox house mat that I want to hang above the door leading from my living room into my kitchen.  The last time I pulled loops was at the Western Reserve Rug Hooking Guild hook-in this past May!!!!  This is a pattern that I loved the look of but once I started hooking it I decided I might not really like it after all so I've sort of picked at it here and there and kept thinking that maybe I just needed to forget it.  Well,  I hooked part of the tree, then started hooking some of the background upagainst the tree and all of a sudden I decided I really was liking the way it looks.  Sorry I don't have a picture...  Like I said - I'm posting from work and don't have access to my photos.  But I will be posting a picture of it hopefully this weekend.  I also took the baby quilt that I'm working on as show and tell.  Both of the other crafters really seemed to like it so that made me feel really good.  I slept like a baby last night!  LOL!

Thanks for listening and thanks for stopping by.  Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Char, it's nice having a place to vent all the frustrations or some of them at least.
    Everyday that goes by is one day closer to your retirement.

    I don't get it either that they lay off all those people to bring new ones in.

    Just hang in there and hope that you can collect your pension soon and have time to do the things you want to do.
    I haven't touched a hoop on my rug lately but I've decluttered a lot of stuff and i still need to declutter more.
