About Me

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I'm a wife, mom, grandmother and great grandmother. I try to be creative - sometimes it works, most times it doesn't. I'm my own worst critic! I'm self taught in a lot of my crafts, but have taken quilting classes and most recently a beginner's rug hooking class. I enjoy both crafts tremendously. I'd like to learn to be a better gardener.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Happy April!

Sorry I haven't be on in a while.  Was having some chest pain with nausea and shortness of breath at my cardiologist's office so he sent me for a heart cath last Thursday.  Everything came out fine - no angioplasty, no stents - arteries are good.  So I gues when I do my follow-up with him on April 28 we'll talk about what could be causing the chest pain, etc.  I'm thinking - STRESS!  Things have just been so crazy here at work and so crazy at home and I haven't been taking care of myself and paying attention to what my body was trying to tell me so it just reached up and slapped me upside the head to get my attention! 

I did start on a small cross stitch project that I'll post when I'm done.  I still have to bind my cardinal mat.

My friend Stacy and I are going to a hook-in down in Amish country here in Ohio on April 16 - looking forward to that!

Still have to have two more classes of quilting with Stacy and Mary Jane and hopefully they'll be satisfied with the results!  :)  I'll try to remember to take pictures at our next class and post them!

Thanks for stopping by!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Char, I'm glad to hear that your heart and arteries are fine but goodness, take care of yourself. You are like me, I take care of everyone else, even strangers before I take care of myself. If something happens to you, who will take care of you...
    A hook-in is what the doctor ordered. Have fun and don't worry about the blog or the cardinal rug. Come back when you're ready. JB
