About Me

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I'm a wife, mom, grandmother and great grandmother. I try to be creative - sometimes it works, most times it doesn't. I'm my own worst critic! I'm self taught in a lot of my crafts, but have taken quilting classes and most recently a beginner's rug hooking class. I enjoy both crafts tremendously. I'd like to learn to be a better gardener.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


We got quite a bit of snow on Tuesday.  Driving in was treacherous to say the least.  Lucky for me that I leave so early to come to work!  Then we started getting reports Tuesday afternoon that to the west of us they were already starting to get ice/sleet/rain/snow.  So I told me staff that if we get the ice storm they were predicting that if they didn't feel safe to drive in the morning maybe delay coming in or not come in at all.  Well, around 3:30 this morning the temperature rose to 38 and stuff started melting - the drip, drip, drip woke me up.  So all but one of my staff came in which I am very thankful for because otherwise I'd be sitting out at the front covering phones and hoping I could grab someone to cover for potty breaks and lunch!

Still working steadily on the quilt. Last night to my surprise I found out I'm much closer to being done than I had thought I was!  Woo Hoo!!!!  I wish I could be there to see their faces when they open their gift.  When I gave my grandson (my stepdaughter's son) a quilt for Christmas a couple of years ago, he opened it - looked at it blankly and said, "A blanket?"  So when I said it was a quilt I made he then thanked me for it but you could tell he just didn't get it.  Now my daughter's two sons keep asking me every time they see me when I'm going to make them a quilt (they're 6 and 10).  Now in the Spring I can move on to creating theirs.  I'm doing a rag quilt for them so I'll just cut my squares and batting and sew them with a large x a little here, a little there.  Then in the fall I sew all the blocks together, cut them, wash the daylight out of them and they'll be good to go for Christmas.  :)

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