About Me

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I'm a wife, mom, grandmother and great grandmother. I try to be creative - sometimes it works, most times it doesn't. I'm my own worst critic! I'm self taught in a lot of my crafts, but have taken quilting classes and most recently a beginner's rug hooking class. I enjoy both crafts tremendously. I'd like to learn to be a better gardener.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Best laid plans... :(

Happy New Year!  We didn't make it up until midnight...  we were in bed by 10:00.  Today we had our pork and sauerkraut with mashed potatoes, corn, and biscuits.  I hope everyone has a great year!

I had all these plans for the four days I'd be off to get my craft room cleaned and organized.  Thursday morning I took the car for an oil change.  While I was there I started feeling nauseated and crampy.  I went home, did a few things around the house, then laid down hoping that would make my stomach feel better, which it did.  When my hubby got home we went to dinner, then the grocery store - while at the grocery store - nausea and cramping.  I went to bed at 9:00 and slept until 8:30 the next morning.  Hoped that that would help me feel better.  It didn't.  Never actually got sick, but just felt lousy and drained.  So, today I was like a woman posessed working in that room (should have taken a picture of it before).  I went through a lot of stuff - threw away what I didn't need or want.  Put some of the things in my containers, but still want to reorganize it to make room for my wool and rug hooking patterns, kits, supplies, etc.  Tomorrow we'll take the decorations down, wash clothes and I'll work on my granddaughter's quilt.  Then Monday it's back to work.  I suppose I'll work on the room a little each night until I get it the way I want it.


  1. Happy New Year Char. Sometimes the best laid plans just don't happens. Hope that you can get organized like you wish. Just keep at it and take before and after pictures. JB

  2. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog Char. What are you up to these days?

    I'm cleaning out and sorting through drawers of papers and stuff in my office, one drawer a day. Not the business papers but my personal stuff. I'm throwing out what I think I don't have time to read and it is all time consuming to check this out. I have found some little treasures that I completely forgotten about.

    Now I got all my hooking information in one marked binder so I know where to find it when I need it. I plan to move all my hooking stuff in a spare room upstairs some day when I get rid of the many many boxes stored in that room. I'll have my dye kitchen upstairs in that room.

    Have a great day. JB

  3. Hi Julia!

    I've been, I guess for lack of a better term, in a slump. Wondering why I can't get motivated to work on my rug/mat or finish quilts. Sigh... Then I go on rug hooking daily and see all the beautiful things that all of you do and get disappointed in myself. I think last night I had an "aha" moment! I realized that I don't treat my craft as art or even as craft. I've been just treating it as a hobby with the subconscious thought that I want to leave something for my children and grandchildren to remember me by when I'm no longer around (I'm sure I have many years before that happens). When my mom passed away very tragically and unexpected there was nothing left to remember her by except memories. Nothing I could hold in my arms and know that my mom was thinking of me. So, the result is that I plan to start treating my craft as art. I will come home from work and work a little bit in my craft room each week - whether it be every day or twice a week - whatever but I will work in there - not only when I have a project I'm trying to finish.

    I've also been cleaning and going through things. Tired of all the clutter in my house! LOL!

    Thanks for posting on my blog!

